bismillahe rahmane al-rahim
assalamon 3leikom.
in this Post i wanna do my part an raise awareness and let people know to not get fooled by the media.the tv the radio movies all crazy things u see or hear, subliminal msgs put into song an comercials an movies even for kids. these days the world is not safe wallah. its sad u know kids are growing up being the slaves of shaytan rather than slaves of Allah SWT.
al-shayatin is everywhere and it is sad how our society is being taken over by all these crazy things people do, KKK clang ,Illuminatis, cults , devil worshippers, Bloodlines, witch craft, people who do voodoo, Nefrin poepl, Killuminati, etc etc the list goes on and on and on. its cr8zy.
So i'll tell u how it all began. i am talking about my discovery and research with all of these.
well i was just chilling at work till my lil cuzin comes along and tells me whats new with her and what is going on. she went for a sleep over and her friends house. she was really tired so she said goodnight to her friend and her friends ummi and then went to bed. few hours later her friend was just downstairs in the computer room and her mama was just in living room. and then the see that my lil cuzin had just walked down the stairs and sat on the couch, her friends mama and her friend was both trying to talk to she, but she was just staring at the wall in a wierd frozen look. they thought she was just being wierd or something and then they just didnt do anything they tried to keep talking to she but no answer, she got up like nothing had happened and then like walked up the stairs and went to bed!!! wierd huh!??? by this time they figured out she was sleep walking (even she has never done it, not that she knew of anyway) so like if u touch or try to wake up a sleep walker they can go cr8zy nuts and like do wierd things like get violent and stuff so u gotta let em be!!! anywhoo they next day they before school her friend and her friends mama was trynna remind her what happened last night and they was asking why she did that:? or if she remember or something and she honestly didnt remember nothing!!! NADA! like she was confused why they asking and then she didnt believe them she said u lieng or somehting and then they had to tell her exactly what happened and they werent making this up. so my lil' cuzin went home and told her mama and her mama said that like once my cuzin's dad did sleep walk in the night when he was teenager like her... so my lil cuzin now all curious went into like search mode about why the reasons of sleepwalk an all sudden like that movie after halloween had come out esmi paranormal activities crap 2 hahah an the yr befor was crap 1 an all these ppl believing it was real an i was like no it wasnt and i saw a lil part of it it was soooooo boring and dumb i saw cuz it was on tv and it was literaly the most stupid ish "waght talaf" i ever had hahaha i couldv been like praying or something haha. anywhoo...
so she went on a searching ramp and found out a few different things like it could've been like sheitan or jinns authobillah in she's body or something doing that.. u know... so um...she got into searching and she found out about these wierd strange things and cults and groups ppl get into and worship devil sheitan and do evil things is just cr8zy full on retarted and like famous ppl are getting into it and really rich people cuz by the lives they lead u kno it not healthy money turns ppl u know...makes them do nasty things and they will never be happy with anything they have, they have something they want more and its all about showing off and thats 7aram and is cr8zy. ooo i like writing 7 in this typing fond hahaha i kno i have ADHD so i get distracted alot and talk about alot of random things haha and i love colors and stuff too!!!
anywyas so ya they are called this iluminati which is like controling the whole united states and world in some parts it is cr8zy thats where the USA is like built on. and we are living here and i donno is cr8zy!!! like start from the DOllar bill
see aint it cr8zy!???2@?@?@
i kno aint it nuts???
i was just as shocked i couldnt sleep for a week cuz like i have some fav artits like i loveD beyonce and like destiniys child well i dont care or know too much if kelly and michelle did join but i do recall like since beyonce met jay-z she turned WILD and nuts and different... she was before always like all bout church and she was somewhat religious like she use to sing choire in shurch an das y she could SANG good and that gurl can SANG hahahaha
anywhoo i was all scared and stuff cuz alot a wierd things happening in this world and MJ was killed by iluminati cuz he went and was trying inform the world about how the world needs a change an all and how he's biggest thing was to inform ppl with his last new this is it tour but they killed him on time .. it was too soon to go and stuff and they jus had to set him up ..with someone he trsuted hes doctor wierd huh... i kno i will post some links and articles to make more sence of it. because i might be sounding like am blabbing an all but ya ...
i just wanna let ppl know that some of our fav artits like kanye west beyonce rihanna jay-z etc are like joined cults and iluminati and like our new black president is still like a blood line and the 8th cuzin of bush and all of the Royal families are related like from englands queen which is also queen of victortia British Columbia and all vancouver and stuff in Canada ... its nuts omg my frnd jus came by and wanted hair spray she at work and works another job all day in a bio lab and then she wants to fix her hair an i said i aint got none she can get from convinient store or dollar store haha and then i said but guess what i got the new JLO perfume (i carry like hot Givenchy, new JLO LA holla, and also la Parisienne by YSL and obviously whole bunch of emarati and bandari oud and lil perfumes and also balsm al 7arirah hahaa bu5ur an oud hahaha funny right i carry them all @ all times wif moi!!!) so i said u wanna get sprayed up she say ok but not too much not the middle eastern style hahah she knows us arabs and Persians love puttin on cologne n perfumes like no other 10 sprints @ once haha so i made her wear like 4 and i was like watch me (forgetttin that i already sprayed like 10 already at maself befor i came to work ahah) i jus sprayed 5 on me so thats like 15 that not including all the oud and bu5ur balsam al-7arirah am wearin haha so now my head HURTS it actually HURTS lol) see what i told ya?? am frikkin ADHD. i kno i hav it DR told me back home an in high school i took special classes. and am alergic to like a whole bunch of things 4 pgs of stuff cr8zy huh... am slow in many things but is not like i don get it or wont get it jus takes time like forever to repeat it to me over an over an over again an am alergic to many many things and i should take em eat em or drink em or get close to them they can like kill me and somethings am alergic to mildly if i hav too much i become slow an other things cr8zy ...)
back to iluminati subject i don even kno wer i was!!! no mo!!!
Oh yeah! heres on iluminati themselves and what they are so u kno be aware not to fall for them cuz they are sheitan in its many forms...
heres from wiki
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the group. For the film, see Illuminata (film). For other uses, see Illuminati (disambiguation).
The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both historical and modern, and both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers specifically to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776.
In modern times it is also used to refer to a purported conspiratorial organization which acts as a shadowy "power behind the throne", allegedly controlling world affairs through present day governments and corporations, usually as a modern incarnation or continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati. In this context, the Illuminati are believed to be the masterminds behind events that will lead to the establishment of a New World Order.
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The movement was founded on May 1, 1776, in Ingolstadt (Upper Bavaria), by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt (d. 1830),[1] who was the first lay professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt.[2] The movement was made up of freethinkers as an offshoot of the Enlightenment, and seems to have been modeled on the Freemasons.[3] Some observers at the time, such as Seth Payson, believed the movement represented a conspiracy to infiltrate and overthrow the governments of European states.[4] Writers such as Augustin Barruel and John Robison even claimed that the Illuminati were behind the French Revolution, a claim that Jean-Joseph Mounier dismissed in his 1801 book On the Influence Attributed to Philosophers, Free-Masons, and to the Illuminati on the Revolution of France.[5]The group's adherents were given the name "Illuminati"[by whom?], although they called themselves "Perfectibilists". The group has also been called the Illuminati Order and the Bavarian Illuminati, and the movement itself has been referred to as Illuminism (after illuminism). In 1777, Karl Theodor became ruler of Bavaria. He was a proponent of Enlightened Despotism and, in 1784, his government banned all secret societies, including the Illuminati.
During the period when the Illuminati were legally allowed to operate, many influential intellectuals and progressive politicians counted themselves as members, including Ferdinand of Brunswick and the diplomat Xavier von Zwack, who was number two in the operation and was found with much of the group's literature when his home was searched.[6] The Illuminati's members pledged obedience to their superiors. Members were divided into three main classes, each with several degrees.
The order had its branches in most countries of the European continent; it reportedly had around 2,000 members over the span of ten years.[2] The organization had its attraction for literary men, such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Johann Gottfried Herder, and even for the reigning dukes of Gotha and Weimar. Weishaupt modeled his group to some extent on Freemasonry, and many Illuminati chapters drew membership from existing Masonic lodges. Internal rupture and panic over succession preceded its downfall, which was effected by the Secular Edict made by the Bavarian government in 1785.[2]
Modern Illuminati
Main article: New World Order (conspiracy theory)
Writers such as Mark Dice,[7] David Icke, Ryan Burke, Jüri Lina and Morgan Gricar have argued that the Bavarian Illuminati survived, possibly to this day. Many of these theories propose that world events are being controlled and manipulated by a secret society calling itself the Illuminati.[8][9] Conspiracy theorists have claimed that many notable people were or are members of the Illuminati, including Winston Churchill, the Bush family,[10] Barack Obama,[11] the Rothschild family,[12] David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski.[13]In addition to the shadowy and secret organization, several modern fraternal groups claim to be the "heirs" of the Bavarian Illuminati and have openly used the name "Illuminati" in founding their own rites. Some, such as the multiple groups that call themselves some variation on "The Illuminati Order"[14][15] use the name directly in the name of their organization, while others, such as the Ordo Templi Orientis, use the name as a grade of initiation within their organization.
Popular culture
Main article: Illuminati in popular culture
The Illuminati are a recurring theme in popular culture. References to such an organization appear in many fictional works across many genres, appearing in print,[16] in film,[17] on television,[18] in video games,[19] in comic book series,[20] as well as in both trading card and roleplaying games.[21]References
- 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica: "Illuminati"
- Die Korrespondenz des Illuminatenordens. Bd. 1, 1776–81. Ed. by Reinhard Markner, Monika Neugebauer-Wölk and Hermann Schüttler. - Tübingen, Max Niemeyer, 2005. - ISBN 3-484-10881-9
- Radical Enlightenment: Philosophy and the Making of Modernity 1650–1750. Israel, Jonathan I. (Oxford University Press, USA; New Ed edition, 2002).
now heres a post on how illuminati killed MJ cuz he didnt wanna join in!!
heres the link above^^^^^^
Michael was Murdered
I’ve been wanting to post this update for a while but I just haven’t had the time, not long after I had written the first article where I commented my suspicions of Michael Jackson having been some sort a sacrificial victim used by the Illuminati for power and as a distraction for the entire world, based on the meaning and importance of his name as well as his Title as The King of Pop.
From some years back Michael Jackson had become very outspoken when it came to the injustices of the Music Industry towards their artists, he had stated very clear in several press conferences that there was a conspiracy to destroy his image, ever since he broke all of the Beatles and Elvis records ha had seen how the media immediately turned on him, he even when as far as describing Tommy Motola as “a devil”. Many times also in his songs and videos we can appreciate how he felt about the Illuminati and the control they had over him, this can also be seen in many of his early videos which are many times full of symbolism.
Here is a video posted by Farhank where Michael Jackson gives his thoughts concerning Illuminati and about the control they have over the music industry, please watch and listen very carefully because I believe that in these video alone, there’s enough evidence to suggest that he was murdered by the Illuminati, as I believe in a ritualistic matter, making out of the “The King of Pop” a sacrifice to their god Baphomet.
After watching and hearing the comments made by Michael Jackson, just imaging everything he had to say on his London tour called “This is It”, some say he was going to reveal the plans of the Illuminati for the depopulation of the world, which has been going for years but will increment very quickly this year and will get worst as the years go by, others believe also that he was going to speak about what will happen in 2012 which the governments know and are not informing the people. I guess it will remain as speculations, but after everything you heard him say on the video, I’m sure Illuminati did not want him alive for the last tour, where we he was going to spill the beans on everything he knew, being that the last chance(i.e. This is It).
There's a reason he was killed. He was starting to speak out against the NWO. He exposed the media and education system for being lies and propaganda and was trying to break away from the Satanic Music Industry. He was killed, just like Hendrix, Marley, JFK, and Lennon because someone with this much recognition could easily expose them. Any mainstream musician who promotes peace and unity instead of hatred and separation becomes a target. His doctor was also a freemason.
anyways theres is way more stuff on it that you could search urself and open ur eyes!!! i wan u to be aware!!! i will b obvisouly posting more on this like symbolism in movies and like bloodline and artists u shouldnt follow at all.. if u use to then STOP!
“Michael was Murdered”
Michael’s sister Latoya Jackson, made a statement, giving some validity to my initial thoughts.“I believe Michael was murdered,” she said. “I felt that from the start. Not just one person was involved, rather it was a conspiracy of people. He was surrounded by a bad circle. Michael was a very meek, quiet, loving person. People took advantage of that. People fought to be close to him, people who weren’t always on his side.”
“He had needle marks on his neck and on his arms and more about those will emerge in the next few weeks,” she said. ” I cannot discuss that any further as I may jeopardize the investigation. I can, however, say that I have not changed my mind about my feeling that Michael was murdered.”
“I am going to get down to the bottom of this,” she said. “I am not going to stop until I find out who is responsible. Why did they keep the family away? It’s not about money. I want justice for Michael. I won’t rest until I find out what — and who — killed my brother.”She mentioned very clear that it was a conspiracy perpetrated by a group of people, that he had needle marks on his neck, which obviously he didn’t inject himself, than later goes on to say that it was not about money.
From some years back Michael Jackson had become very outspoken when it came to the injustices of the Music Industry towards their artists, he had stated very clear in several press conferences that there was a conspiracy to destroy his image, ever since he broke all of the Beatles and Elvis records ha had seen how the media immediately turned on him, he even when as far as describing Tommy Motola as “a devil”. Many times also in his songs and videos we can appreciate how he felt about the Illuminati and the control they had over him, this can also be seen in many of his early videos which are many times full of symbolism.
Here is a video posted by Farhank where Michael Jackson gives his thoughts concerning Illuminati and about the control they have over the music industry, please watch and listen very carefully because I believe that in these video alone, there’s enough evidence to suggest that he was murdered by the Illuminati, as I believe in a ritualistic matter, making out of the “The King of Pop” a sacrifice to their god Baphomet.
After watching and hearing the comments made by Michael Jackson, just imaging everything he had to say on his London tour called “This is It”, some say he was going to reveal the plans of the Illuminati for the depopulation of the world, which has been going for years but will increment very quickly this year and will get worst as the years go by, others believe also that he was going to speak about what will happen in 2012 which the governments know and are not informing the people. I guess it will remain as speculations, but after everything you heard him say on the video, I’m sure Illuminati did not want him alive for the last tour, where we he was going to spill the beans on everything he knew, being that the last chance(i.e. This is It).
They Don’t Care About Us
Lastly I’d like to point out something I have noticed from watching the news talk all day and night about Michael. I believe that Illuminati is making a mockery of his dead everyday and are even telling the world that they did it, by playing on the background the same piece of video from his rehearsal over and over again, when he was singing “They Don’t Care About Us”. I’m pretty sure they have footage of other songs during the same rehearsal but show this song only because it was the most direct song which he wrote and performed against the Illuminati, so by playing it they are showing that indeed they don’t care about us nor him, that is why they killed him and they are showing that they are proud of it, as usual.Did the Illuminati kill Michael Jackson?
from yahoo answers heres the link:
Yes, the illuminati DID kill Michael Jackson. As you probably know, he was getting ready to begin a "come back" tour and was planning on performances all over the world. There is not enough time or space in this posting to go into all the details, but the same group of people bent on world domination for decades are getting ready to "seal the deal" on the world.
Michael was preparing to use his postion and influence to warn the entire world of what these people (the Rothschild, Rockafellers, the International Bank of Settlements, etc) are planning. In particular, their plans to drastically reduce the world's population by mass extermination through a program of forced "vaccinations" against the bogus swine flu.
Investigative journalist Jane Burgermeister just filed a complaint with the FBI against the UN and the WHO (world health organization) for among other things, conspiracy to commit mass's the full story:
There are some very sinister forces at work, and the people of the earth need to stand together to defeat them. These same monsters have manipulated nations into wars for centuries, in order that these same nations would be in a postion to need to borrow money thus plunging these nations (including ours) into deeper and deeper debt. This is a link to a video about the federal reserve and the international banking system and how it keeps the population enslaved:
Here too, is a clip which explains in layman's terms how the money/debt system keeps us enslaved:
Michael was EXTREMELY concerned with how the obsession with money destroyed people. He recognized that the pursuit of wealth served only the very top of the society and only sifles the creative powers of most people. He knew that his life was unusual and that most people are more concerned with making ends meet rather that devoting their minds, hearts, and spirits to creative achievement which could benefit ALL of human kind.
Michael's sudden cardiac arrest was brought on by an electrolyte embalance induced by administering a certain drug. I believe this was the work of the same forces at work behind the scenes of international banking as well as the pharmaceutical compaies such as Baxter, who have a great deal to lose if someone as influential as Michael Jackson were allowed to inform the world of their plans.
God Bless you Michael, we will miss you.
email me at: with any comments.
Michael was preparing to use his postion and influence to warn the entire world of what these people (the Rothschild, Rockafellers, the International Bank of Settlements, etc) are planning. In particular, their plans to drastically reduce the world's population by mass extermination through a program of forced "vaccinations" against the bogus swine flu.
Investigative journalist Jane Burgermeister just filed a complaint with the FBI against the UN and the WHO (world health organization) for among other things, conspiracy to commit mass's the full story:
There are some very sinister forces at work, and the people of the earth need to stand together to defeat them. These same monsters have manipulated nations into wars for centuries, in order that these same nations would be in a postion to need to borrow money thus plunging these nations (including ours) into deeper and deeper debt. This is a link to a video about the federal reserve and the international banking system and how it keeps the population enslaved:
Here too, is a clip which explains in layman's terms how the money/debt system keeps us enslaved:
Michael was EXTREMELY concerned with how the obsession with money destroyed people. He recognized that the pursuit of wealth served only the very top of the society and only sifles the creative powers of most people. He knew that his life was unusual and that most people are more concerned with making ends meet rather that devoting their minds, hearts, and spirits to creative achievement which could benefit ALL of human kind.
Michael's sudden cardiac arrest was brought on by an electrolyte embalance induced by administering a certain drug. I believe this was the work of the same forces at work behind the scenes of international banking as well as the pharmaceutical compaies such as Baxter, who have a great deal to lose if someone as influential as Michael Jackson were allowed to inform the world of their plans.
God Bless you Michael, we will miss you.
email me at: with any comments.
There's a reason he was killed. He was starting to speak out against the NWO. He exposed the media and education system for being lies and propaganda and was trying to break away from the Satanic Music Industry. He was killed, just like Hendrix, Marley, JFK, and Lennon because someone with this much recognition could easily expose them. Any mainstream musician who promotes peace and unity instead of hatred and separation becomes a target. His doctor was also a freemason.
anyways theres is way more stuff on it that you could search urself and open ur eyes!!! i wan u to be aware!!! i will b obvisouly posting more on this like symbolism in movies and like bloodline and artists u shouldnt follow at all.. if u use to then STOP!
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