My eyes fill out with tears
it waters up when i know that it could be years
that i could even hear your voice again
well until then, ima stay away from this life of sin
Wallahe sometimes u just don't know
what this life brings to your table
what takes up ur life and years as u might grow
please don't just sit there and act as if ur not able
One thing am certain of
is the amount of bashin' love
i be gettin from mi familia
if u donno, then get urself familier
Even though sometimes u feel as though
your life is upside down, just say: "is ok 7BB"just pat urself on the shoulder as u say although...
one day u might not see the bright of day, so let it be, let it be..."
For at da end of the day, Allah decides, Allah Chooses
So let him be your shine, let him guide your line
for thou who's not in tack with it, he da 1 who looses
make Salah, make Do3a, say Dhikr or just combine
Now don't let urself get outta line, trust me, your time will come, your time to shine
but for now, lets just kick back and relax and listen to Persia Rhyme
1 day when i kno i can hear ur voice right nxt 2 mine
& i kno i will never stop prayin', i will NEVER resign
thats the day i know all my prayers have come true
till that day comes, i wanna prepare but i've no clue
on what to do, on what supplies to use, take it like Tik Tok, now let ur heart Rock.
oh till that day comes, till that day comes,
make u grine ur gears, there will be no more tears,
all laughter and Oh, all Joy, that is what i employ
Wallahe i'll promise i'll be the one who helps u, never annoy
if one day comes and i see you hit rock bottom,
i wont leave u, i wont let u fall
if i do, is like Shaytan autho'Billah sayin "Got 'em!"
i will be there for u, i will stand tall
i don't wanna be the one who leaves
i will be there thru ups and the downs
cuz im the one who str8 up believes
believes in you, you are the one who frowns
plz dont let me fall, plz don't let me drown
Oh Allah Almighty
from pound to pound
you're the one who saves me
on this note, ill let u be
a different character, realisticly
speaking from experience from Sabr like brewing tea
i hope insha'Allah u enjoyed my Rhymes, linguisticly
yalla ma3assalamaa am out yo
omg this took like over an hour, my mind must be sooo busy thinkin, cuz usually rhymes dont take me that long, they jus come an go. i obvisouly wasnt fully there. i kept had having to re-read it a milli times and re-decide it a milli other times,,,, aaaaaaa Sub7an Allah. i donno what's going on, but todays NOT my day... insha'Allah ill wait for the brighter day. the brighter days to come, very very soon, cuz when things are down, Allah SWT helps u get up... maybe is jus the winter slowing me down, maybe is jus the other bad things happenin in my life making me sooo weak an terrible at doin task at hand and livin' life like i use to, whatever i do.. is like is not enuff. i try so hard... i jus dont see the result. oh why o why. i dont wanna hurt nobody by my actions. wallah Allah plz help me and guide me to serat'al mosta9eem plz plz plz ... i just need my mind at eaze, cuz clearly obviously it aint.. and its making me lose it all... i cant even bear with it no more.. is been a year.. an why am i still stuck?? watever i do, watevr i buy. watever shoppin sprees i go to.. watever an how many trips i go to and countries i visit. it all comes down to... why am i not happy??
im about to go and read some Qur'an to calm me down. even just the word "kalamah al-Qur'an" makes me calmed a little... just to say it. is like entering jannah... the feeling is nice. not to hot . not too cold, not room tempreture. just perfect... PERFECT is Allah Sub7ana wa Ta3alla...PERFECT is his words... Allaho Akbar, Allaho 3lem... Allah help me and guide me insha'Allah.
in these Ruff tymez am away from it all... i stay away from anything and or anyone who tries to turn me in to doing 7aram or sayin anythin 7aram... jus by maself. jus alone. is perfect. doing nothin' but talkin to Allah and keepin ma mind clear of all the shayateen's (autho'billah) around us that surrounds us especially when ur far away u feel the americas are so from from the mother land of Arabia and Persia where u come from.... till that day comes and i can return, i shall only stick to al-Mus7af and Al-Deen insha'Allah... even though i am aware there is jinns and shaytans autho'billah, every were not just here in the Americas. but like... it is way more easier to slip and fall here since its the norm and is 3addiee for ppl to be a certain way dress a certain way live life a certain way here that u forget were u came from.. u forget ur morals. sub7an Allah. 7esbi'Allah ... u forget ur culture... u forget ur values... i'v seen it happen many many times. hell its happened to me. i aint perfect i am only human i am only insaan. i just want out of it. i want out of this country of sins . i wanna be back home in the mother land of Arabia and Persia. mother land of Islam. that is were i want to be... that is were i want to live, that is were i want to reside.. and i promise i wont go into hiding.. the way i do here jus so dat nothing happns to me... like i don even like listenin to 9eibah thats why i chose not to hang out wif nobody for too long. if i notice they doin it... i walk away and silence and dont come back... if i hear something bad is goin on and is wrong i will stand up for that person for all persons. for everybody who is right ... i will stand up for the world. this Donya needs help y'all... plz do ur part to help it... we dont want to make Allah SWT mad... plzzzzz we need a change. we need a BIG change... now u see why i love Michael Jackson sooo much??? cuz we shared same views!!! and he died a muslim man/ that means he believes. sub7an Allah... the biggest well known person in the world. everyone followed and watched oh so carefully... after all he went thru... turned muslims.... 7esbia'Allah and then they killed him. the iluminateez the shaytan devil worshippers. Allah o akbar... at this min just say Allah o Akbar. even if ur not muslim and reading this. in Arabic these phrase means "God is Great" just keep saying it... wallah... it will help... ya Allah... help me .. guide me... i wanna be healed. i want this world to be healed.. all i want is for all the evil to be gone.. i mean i kno is not possible.. there will always be that shayateen person who wants to ruin things... but @ least if we all try a lil... even just a lil... like ZARRAH... it will help... now look at urself in the mirror... and start to change... do it for the better... listen to MJ's words "Man in The Mirror":
I'm Gonna Make A Change,
For Once In My Life
It's Gonna Feel Real Good,
Gonna Make A Difference
Gonna Make It Right . . .
heres the full lyrics:
""Man In The Mirror"I'm Gonna Make A Change,
For Once In My Life
It's Gonna Feel Real Good,
Gonna Make A Difference
Gonna Make It Right . . .
As I, Turn Up The Collar On My
Favourite Winter Coat
This Wind Is Blowin' My Mind
I See The Kids In The Street,
With Not Enough To Eat
Who Am I, To Be Blind?
Pretending Not To See
Their Needs
A Summer's Disregard,
A Broken Bottle Top
And A One Man's Soul
They Follow Each Other On
The Wind Ya' Know
'Cause They Got Nowhere
To Go
That's Why I Want You To
I'm Starting With The Man In
The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change
His Ways
And No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
(If You Wanna Make The
World A Better Place)
Take A Look At Yourself, And
Then Make A Change
(Take A Look At Yourself, And
Then Make A Change)
(Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na,
Na Nah)
I've Been A Victim Of A Selfish
Kind Of Love
It's Time That I Realize
That There Are Some With No
Home, Not A Nickel To Loan
Could It Be Really Me,
Pretending That They're Not
A Willow Deeply Scarred,
Somebody's Broken Heart
And A Washed-Out Dream
(Washed-Out Dream)
They Follow The Pattern Of
The Wind, Ya' See
Cause They Got No Place
To Be
That's Why I'm Starting With
(Starting With Me!)
I'm Starting With The Man In
The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change
His Ways
And No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
(If You Wanna Make The
World A Better Place)
Take A Look At Yourself And
Then Make A Change
(Take A Look At Yourself And
Then Make A Change)
I'm Starting With The Man In
The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change His
(Change His Ways-Ooh!)
And No Message Could've
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
(If You Wanna Make The
World A Better Place)
Take A Look At Yourself And
Then Make That . . .
(Take A Look At Yourself And
Then Make That . . .)
I'm Starting With The Man In
The Mirror,
(Man In The Mirror-Oh
I'm Asking Him To Change
His Ways
(Better Change!)
No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
(If You Wanna Make The
World A Better Place)
(Take A Look At Yourself And
Then Make The Change)
(You Gotta Get It Right, While
You Got The Time)
('Cause When You Close Your
You Can't Close Your . . .Your
(Then You Close Your . . .
That Man, That Man, That
Man, That Man
With That Man In The Mirror
(Man In The Mirror, Oh Yeah!)
That Man, That Man, That Man
I'm Asking Him To Change
His Ways
(Better Change!)
You Know . . .That Man
No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
(If You Wanna Make The
World A Better Place)
Take A Look At Yourself And
Then Make A Change
(Take A Look At Yourself And
Then Make A Change)
Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na,
Na Nah
(Oh Yeah!)
Gonna Feel Real Good Now!
Yeah Yeah! Yeah Yeah!
Yeah Yeah!
Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na,
Na Nah
(Ooooh . . .)
Oh No, No No . . .
I'm Gonna Make A Change
It's Gonna Feel Real Good!
Come On!
(Change . . .)
Just Lift Yourself
You Know
You've Got To Stop It.
(Yeah!-Make That Change!)
I've Got To Make That Change,
(Man In The Mirror)
You Got To
You Got To Not Let Yourself . . .
Brother . . .
(Yeah!-Make That Change!)
You Know-I've Got To Get
That Man, That Man . . .
(Man In The Mirror)
You've Got To
You've Got To Move! Come
On! Come On!
You Got To . . .
Stand Up! Stand Up!
Stand Up!
(Yeah-Make That Change)
Stand Up And Lift
Yourself, Now!
(Man In The Mirror)
Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
(Yeah-Make That Change)
Gonna Make That Change . . .
Come On!
(Man In The Mirror)
You Know It!
You Know It!
You Know It!
You Know . . .
(Change . . .)
Make That Change.
this song is by Michael Jackson, the one who will live in our lil 9albi's (hearts) 4ever and ever and ever and insha'Allah one day i get to visit him again in jannah if Allah Su7ana wa Ta3alla lets me :) cant wait till that day comes....insha'Allah
now do u see why i Love Michael Jackson soooo much??? and till this day i love him and since i was little i loved him... i will share u more MJ stories insha'Allah soon :)
but for now am out
talk to y'all Later
pray for me also if ur reading this and ill pray for u "the readers" if u let me... i wan Allah sub7ana wa Ta3alla to bless u all....
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