Bismillahe Ra7mane Ra7im Assalamon 3leikom wa Ra7matullahi Wa Barakato. Hadha My Blog and is way over Due :)Bas now i've made it, Al7mdulillah. Shokran Jazeelan 4 visitin' ma page & have a La6if-al-Yome, insha'Allah. Yalla 7BBti's!!!! -ma3assalama

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
* Fun VOGUE Poses *
Hey y'all thez r sum fun VOGUe poses ya am diggin em frm duffy da vampz to soldier the champs
here in tha 4-1-8 area code yo yo yo lol
frm 3-1-0 to 4-2-4
am reppin em all
anywhoo enjoy posh spice an da baby :)
Take Good care Y'ALL
Sunday, November 27, 2011
fun 3bayyah Abaya Abayaat
Bismi Ta3allah
Asalamon 3leykom
here are some high end high fashion 3bayyaz

Asalamon 3leykom
here are some high end high fashion 3bayyaz

F'Show Homie yo Gangxta chic
Hot like Fiyaa
Classy moon lassi
Purple Rain
Fly as Hell Mamacita
Azianized 3baya
Sandy Sa7arah
Shimmi Shimmi Shimmi
yeepee yo yeepee Yay lol
Yo Yo is Jessi Pinkmaaaan Bushezzz lol
the "G"iest Voicemail ever lol im thinkin changin mine to it lol go Jesse :
“Yo, yo, yo! 1-4-8, 3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9! Representin’ the ABQ! What up … Leave it at the tone!”
Gosh sooo funny makes me day shine
love Breakin Bad since day 1 came out i be reppin it Hood lol
and here is a Fendi Backstage Fashion Show to end it up
ama split yo
we out?
we out!
random pix
Bismillah Al-Ra7man Al-Ra7eem
Salamon 3leikom
Random pix selection
thought it was funny or nice while browsing thru 5alijiah's web blog page.
Salamon 3leikom
Random pix selection
thought it was funny or nice while browsing thru 5alijiah's web blog page.
Persian carper and jeanie in a majic lamb
muhahaha cute right? lol iceeey cRReem kakaka lol
mini 3bayya has always an already been in use in iran we call it mantaeu (like le chateau<< french word that french gave us again, is the invasion of france lol and also um it jus wat it means like mini jooup<<< mini skirt :) )
cute sa7?
i love this an how it makes me damn hungry lol good thing i aint fasting lol on sawm if i see this pic lol daaang al7mdullah :) for all the ne3mah Allah SWT has given us.
U.A.E. Represeeent :)
mm Tamerr
omg muy Linda muy Linda so cute Gamillah Aywah Aiwa 9a7 9a7 :) i love the head pice i have some like that an so does mama from she's mama ya like um is kurdish thing :) Bandari tooo ahwaz an 3badan
miss da sa7ara lookin at this . this was fun :)
U.A.E. Represent 2 wassaaap
das sooo cute i love it :)
thass soooo damn funny omg i find it so amusing that things dat we R used to as an 3aadat (3aadaah) is like amazing an amusing to other ppl and they feel like is a show or some lol/ sometimes ppl ask me are u dress like Egyptian goddess or Persian Princess? lmao an am like no i aint dressed as nobody am jus me. good Ol' me from the Persian Gulf. Represeeent :)
holla am out.
Ma3 el Salamah <<< Ma9eri way of typin Ma3asalama lol
i love u Ma9er an Ma9eriz
Saturday, November 19, 2011
do u kno wat 2 do if some1 dies? in ISLAM
Bismillah Al-Ra7man Al-Ra7eem
Asalamon 3leykom
do you know what to do if someone dies???
Asalamon 3leykom
do you know what to do if someone dies???
On receiving the news of death, recite
"Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raajeoon."
"Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return."
2. Instead of wasting time in unnecessary inquiries about how the death took place, concentrate on doing the following:
* Immediately, close the eyes and straighten the hands and feet of the deceased.
* Pass a broad strip of cloth from under the chin and tie it over the head so that the mouth is closed. Bring both feet together and tie with another strip. Untie these strips later while giving the bath.
* Cover the deceased with a sheet of cloth. If there is any change in the appearance of the deceased due to an accident or the severity of death and if people want to see the body repeatedly, do not allow them to do so and keep the body covered.
* Inform the immediate neighbours at once. Possibly, they will help you in the funeral and burial arrangements, and in informing your close relatives and those of the deceased.
* Depending on your condition, offer "nafal" prayers (at least 2 raka'ahs) and pray to Allah (SWT) humbly that He may grant you strength and fortitude to bear this loss and grief.
* Make burial arrangements from the money left behind by the deceased.
* After this, if you know of any debts, loans or any other payments the deceased owed to anyone, pay them off from the money left over by the deceased.
* If in case the deceased has not left behind enough money to cover these expenses, then his relatives and other Muslims must make these payments on his behalf.
* If the deceased has left a will, it must be read as soon as possible in case there is something that has to be done immediately according to his wishes. For example, the deceased may have wanted to be given the final bath by a particular child of his. Or he might have requested that a particular Muslim brother or relative should lead his funeral prayers. Or it may be that he had forbidden his family from performing any un-Islamic rituals on this occasion etc.
* If any wish has been expressed in the will that is contradictory to the Shariah, it should not be carried out.
* On the timely arrival of close relatives, the place of burial and time of the funeral prayers can be decided with mutual consent. But delaying the burial simply to wait for the arrival of relatives who live in distant places, and placing the body in the mortuary is not recommended. Instead, make arrangements for a quick burial. Preferably the deceased should be buried in the very area where he died.
* If the deceased had wronged anyone in the past or he had usurped anyone's rights, request the participants of the funeral to forgive him with an open heart. Keep repeating this request, bearing in mind those who join the gathering later. Moreover, besides praying yourself for the forgiveness of the deceased, also request visitors to pray for his "forgiveness"
* Males are to bathe a male, and females are to bathe a female.
* The husband can bathe the wife and vice versa.
* It is "Masnoon" to mix 'berri' leaves in the water used for bathing the deceased by boiling these leaves in some water and mixing it with bathing water.
* The wooden board on which the deceased is laid when bathing him/her should be slightly tilted downwards from the side where the head is placed, so that the bodily waste flows off with the used water.
* The presence of people other than those helping with the bath is disliked (Makrooh).
* The one giving the bath should be religious and should be a close relative of the deceased, who should conceal any physical change or disorders of the body.
* If the clothes of the deceased cannot be taken off easily, cut them off carefully with scissors. While doing so, keep the body covered with a sheet of cloth.
* When bathing the deceased, use a coloured, printed sheet of cloth so that the body is not revealed even when the sheet is wet. (The deceased is to be bathed from under this sheet).
* The person performing the bath should first of all lift the deceased's head and slowly raise the deceased to a near sitting position. Now press the abdominal area softly from sides to facilitate any excretion. Simultaneously, keep pouring water so that all the bodily waste is washed away.
* The person performing the bath should wear a rubber glove or polythene bag on his/her hands. Now perform "Istanja" (washing private parts) on the deceased. After this, dispose off the glove and wear a new one.
* In case the deceased is a female, untie the hair.
* The person bathing the deceased should make "Neeyat" (intention) of doing so and recite Bismillah.
* Ablution (Wuzoo) should be performed on the deceased starting from the right.
* Do not put any water inside the nose or mouth. It is enough to wipe the teeth and nostrils with wet cloth or wet cotton swab.
* The ears and nose should be plugged with clean cotton so that during the bath, water does not enter them.
* Using soap lather or shampoo, softly wash hair and beard (in case of a male) with the help of your fingers.
* First, wash the right side of the front of the body. Start from the front by beginning to bathe from the right side of the neck going downwards till the right foot. Then turn the body slightly towards the left side and wash the whole right side of the back of the body. Repeat the same procedure for the left side of the body.
* Give the bath an odd number of times. It is "Masnoon" to add camphor (Kafoor) to the water in the end. If camphor is not available, any non-alcoholic perfume can be added to the water.
* It is not right to bathe the dead body twice at two different times. One bath is enough.
* If the deceased is a female, then after the bath the hair should be done up into three different braids. These braids should be placed behind her. The hair can also be combed.
* If the circumstances are such that it is not possible to give a bath, "Tayammum" can also be performed.
* Those martyred in the way of ALLAH SWT (Shaheed) are not to be given a bath.
Note: If there is no female to bathe the deceased female, her mehrum can give her tayammum.
* It is preferable to use clean white cloth for the shroud
* If new white cloth is not available then a used, washed and coloured or striped shroud can also be used.
* An incomplete or insufficient shroud (without any genuine reason) is disliked. The quantity or measure of the cloth being used as the shroud should be enough to easily cover the entire body of the deceased.
* For a male's shroud, three pieces of cloth are used. Five pieces of cloth are used for a woman's shroud. The fourth piece of cloth for a woman serves as a scarf for her head. The fifth piece stays under the shirt and is used to tie up her entire "Satar" (parts of her body that must be concealed). If all this is not available then one piece of cloth will do.
* During emergencies or in case of a journey, if the dead bodies outnumber the shrouds then more than one body can be buried in the same cloth.
* Before wrapping the deceased in the shroud, the wet body may be dried with a clean cloth.
* Fragrant incense should be burnt thrice besides the dead body. If this is not possible, "Itar" (perfume) etc. can be used.
* A martyr does not need a shroud. He will be buried in the very clothes he was wearing, wrapped in a sheet of cloth.
* A "Muhram" (one who died during Hajj or Umrah) has to be bathed and then wrapped in his "Ehraam" instead of a shroud. He will be buried without applying any perfume or covering his head.
* For the person who bathes and enshrouds the deceased, it is "Mustahib" (desirable) to take a bath after having done so. Similarly it is desirable for the person who helps lift and place the deceased on the cot to perform "Wudoo" (ablution) afterwards.
* Unnecessary delay should be avoided in all the stages from preparing the funeral to taking it for burial.
* Accompanying the funeral and helping to carry it is the rightful responsibility of a Muslim towards his Muslim brother.
* Those accompanying the funeral must remain silent. The Sunnah does not establish talking or reciting duaas, kalima-e-shahadat or the Quran in a loud voice on the way.
* Similarly, wailing or crying aloud while accompanying the funeral is also against the sanctity of the funeral.
* It is "makrooh" (disliked) for women to accompany the funeral.
* Carrying any kind of fire as a ritual with the funeral is prohibited.
* Carrying fruits, sweets or dry fruit etc. with the funeral is not proven by Sunnah.
* Pedestrians can walk in front, behind, on the right or left of the funeral.
* Those using any kind of transport should remain behind the funeral. However using transport without a valid excuse is "makrooh" (disliked).
* On seeing a funeral approaching, one should stand up. If one does not intend on accompanying it, one should keep standing until it passes on a little further.
* Praising the funeral of an obedient Muslim is allowed and beneficial for him.
* On reaching the graveyard, it is forbidden to sit down until the coffin has been placed on the ground.
* Taking the funeral to the graves of dead saints and circling around them is un-Islamic.
* It is forbidden to offer prayers and bury the dead at the following timings:
1. When the sun is rising.
2. When it is exactly mid-day/ noon (until the sun starts to decline).
3. When the sun is setting (until it sets completely).
* Participating in the funeral prayer earns "sawaab" (rewards from Allah Ta'ala).
* It is allowed to offer funeral prayers in an Eid-gaah adjacent to the mosque. In case of rain or any other genuine reason, the funeral prayers can be offered inside the mosque too.
* Funeral prayers can be offered in absentia too.
* For funeral prayers, ablution (wuzoo) and facing the Qiblah are pre-requisites also.
* In this prayer, the number of rows will be in odd numbers. However if there are only a few people, one or two rows are also sufficient.
* If the deceased is a male, the Imam should stand opposite to the head of the deceased. If the deceased is a female, the Imam should stand opposite to the middle part deceased's body.
* If the funeral prayer for a man and woman is held simultaneously, then the man's body should be placed towards the Imam (near him). The woman's body should be placed next to the body of the deceased male (towards the Qiblah).
* There is no "Adhaan" or "Iqamah" for the funeral prayers.
* In this prayer, there is only "Qiyaam" with 4 takbeers. There is no "Rukooh" or "Sajdah".
* It is "Mustahib" (desirable) to offer these prayers "Sirri" (silently in your heart). However the takbeers will be said in a relatively loud voice so that people in the last row can hear them.
* In the funeral prayer, Surah Al-Fatiha is recited after the 1st takbeer, Darud Sharif after the second takbeer, duaa after the third takbeer and salam is said quietly after the 4th takbeer.
* The act of raising both hands (Rafa Yadain) can be done at only the first takbeer or at every takbeer. Both are correct.
* Finishing off the prayer with either two salams or with just one salam are both proven by Sunnah.
* If there are many dead bodies, one collective funeral prayer can be offered for all or separate funeral prayers can be offered for each. Both are correct.
* Muslims have been forbidden to pray for mercy and forgiveness for infidels or polytheists. It is therefore not allowed to offer funeral prayers for them.
Dead Homiez Wall
Bismi Ta3alla
Asalamon 3leykom
My friend Su3di, her moma was here. Brings tears to my eyes everytime i seee her.
She always dresses only in BLACK now ever since last year and 1/2 when her 19 yrs old daughter (my friend Su3da-Su3di) who had only been married for 8 months died from a white blood cell abnormal increase all of a sudden called Leukemia.
Leukemia (American English) or leukaemia (British English) (from the Greek leukos - white, and haima - blood[1]) is a type of cancer of the blood or bone marrow characterized by an abnormal increase of white blood cells.
My friend was born with it. Yes its a Cancer. Yes the Doctor told her she couldnt have any kids. Yes she always was in pain and doctors and hospitals in N. America suck and just release u, its crazy how 4 best doctors in the world (brain/heart/eye/arm) surgeons are ALL Persian (Iranis) studies and educated in iran and moved to europe (some) and some still work in iran, amazing right that the education system in a 3rd world country as its counted as its still waaay higher than here in USA/Cananada ya i said it cananada
side tracted as ususal cuz ma AD/HD
well she was in pain for about a week actualy she was always in pain so the hospita; an doctors always releasing she.
she was initially in pain for a week before she was forced out of the hospital tellin her she would be fine.
well the night she was released she went home.
in the morning her husband tried to wake she up so she could make him breakfast, he already knew she had pain u see. she was most of the time in pain.. it was only then in the morning he felt her body cold cuz he slept on the couch wen he came home from work at 5 am cuz he was a cab driver.
either way this couldve been stopped, he shouldv checked on her wen he came home. hospital shouldv never released she in the damn first place
now ive lost a friend and dear one and her mama lost a daughter a dear daughter and we lost an Angel a dear angle.
the docs an hospt and her husband i guess jus assumed same as before that she kept saying her pain was there... her pain her pain her pain..
why ignore pain??
its a way of the body sayin "look at me now, take a good look at me noooow!" im in dying death slowly pain... take care of me "....
seriously :(
but either way btw this was RIGHT after Ramadan (Ramazan in Farsi) ...
she did all her prayers she was ALWAYS there at each tarawih prayer at masjid never missed a single beat musha'Allah 3leich . i always stil to this date pray for she.
i Love u Su3di, and i never forget u.
"Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raajeoon."
"Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return."
And also here are wat to do when some one dies in islam.
learn and do it before its too late
Allah Yar7amach
Asalamon 3leykom
My friend Su3di, her moma was here. Brings tears to my eyes everytime i seee her.
She always dresses only in BLACK now ever since last year and 1/2 when her 19 yrs old daughter (my friend Su3da-Su3di) who had only been married for 8 months died from a white blood cell abnormal increase all of a sudden called Leukemia.
Leukemia (American English) or leukaemia (British English) (from the Greek leukos - white, and haima - blood[1]) is a type of cancer of the blood or bone marrow characterized by an abnormal increase of white blood cells.
My friend was born with it. Yes its a Cancer. Yes the Doctor told her she couldnt have any kids. Yes she always was in pain and doctors and hospitals in N. America suck and just release u, its crazy how 4 best doctors in the world (brain/heart/eye/arm) surgeons are ALL Persian (Iranis) studies and educated in iran and moved to europe (some) and some still work in iran, amazing right that the education system in a 3rd world country as its counted as its still waaay higher than here in USA/Cananada ya i said it cananada
side tracted as ususal cuz ma AD/HD
well she was in pain for about a week actualy she was always in pain so the hospita; an doctors always releasing she.
she was initially in pain for a week before she was forced out of the hospital tellin her she would be fine.
well the night she was released she went home.
in the morning her husband tried to wake she up so she could make him breakfast, he already knew she had pain u see. she was most of the time in pain.. it was only then in the morning he felt her body cold cuz he slept on the couch wen he came home from work at 5 am cuz he was a cab driver.
either way this couldve been stopped, he shouldv checked on her wen he came home. hospital shouldv never released she in the damn first place
now ive lost a friend and dear one and her mama lost a daughter a dear daughter and we lost an Angel a dear angle.
the docs an hospt and her husband i guess jus assumed same as before that she kept saying her pain was there... her pain her pain her pain..
why ignore pain??
its a way of the body sayin "look at me now, take a good look at me noooow!" im in dying death slowly pain... take care of me "....
seriously :(
but either way btw this was RIGHT after Ramadan (Ramazan in Farsi) ...
she did all her prayers she was ALWAYS there at each tarawih prayer at masjid never missed a single beat musha'Allah 3leich . i always stil to this date pray for she.
i Love u Su3di, and i never forget u.
"Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raajeoon."
"Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return."
And also here are wat to do when some one dies in islam.
do you know what to do if someone dies???
On receiving the news of death, recite
"Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raajeoon."
"Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return."
2. Instead of wasting time in unnecessary inquiries about how the death took place, concentrate on doing the following:
* Immediately, close the eyes and straighten the hands and feet of the deceased.
* Pass a broad strip of cloth from under the chin and tie it over the head so that the mouth is closed. Bring both feet together and tie with another strip. Untie these strips later while giving the bath.
* Cover the deceased with a sheet of cloth. If there is any change in the appearance of the deceased due to an accident or the severity of death and if people want to see the body repeatedly, do not allow them to do so and keep the body covered.
* Inform the immediate neighbours at once. Possibly, they will help you in the funeral and burial arrangements, and in informing your close relatives and those of the deceased.
* Depending on your condition, offer "nafal" prayers (at least 2 raka'ahs) and pray to Allah (SWT) humbly that He may grant you strength and fortitude to bear this loss and grief.
* Make burial arrangements from the money left behind by the deceased.
* After this, if you know of any debts, loans or any other payments the deceased owed to anyone, pay them off from the money left over by the deceased.
* If in case the deceased has not left behind enough money to cover these expenses, then his relatives and other Muslims must make these payments on his behalf.
* If the deceased has left a will, it must be read as soon as possible in case there is something that has to be done immediately according to his wishes. For example, the deceased may have wanted to be given the final bath by a particular child of his. Or he might have requested that a particular Muslim brother or relative should lead his funeral prayers. Or it may be that he had forbidden his family from performing any un-Islamic rituals on this occasion etc.
* If any wish has been expressed in the will that is contradictory to the Shariah, it should not be carried out.
* On the timely arrival of close relatives, the place of burial and time of the funeral prayers can be decided with mutual consent. But delaying the burial simply to wait for the arrival of relatives who live in distant places, and placing the body in the mortuary is not recommended. Instead, make arrangements for a quick burial. Preferably the deceased should be buried in the very area where he died.
* If the deceased had wronged anyone in the past or he had usurped anyone's rights, request the participants of the funeral to forgive him with an open heart. Keep repeating this request, bearing in mind those who join the gathering later. Moreover, besides praying yourself for the forgiveness of the deceased, also request visitors to pray for his "forgiveness"
* Males are to bathe a male, and females are to bathe a female.
* The husband can bathe the wife and vice versa.
* It is "Masnoon" to mix 'berri' leaves in the water used for bathing the deceased by boiling these leaves in some water and mixing it with bathing water.
* The wooden board on which the deceased is laid when bathing him/her should be slightly tilted downwards from the side where the head is placed, so that the bodily waste flows off with the used water.
* The presence of people other than those helping with the bath is disliked (Makrooh).
* The one giving the bath should be religious and should be a close relative of the deceased, who should conceal any physical change or disorders of the body.
* If the clothes of the deceased cannot be taken off easily, cut them off carefully with scissors. While doing so, keep the body covered with a sheet of cloth.
* When bathing the deceased, use a coloured, printed sheet of cloth so that the body is not revealed even when the sheet is wet. (The deceased is to be bathed from under this sheet).
* The person performing the bath should first of all lift the deceased's head and slowly raise the deceased to a near sitting position. Now press the abdominal area softly from sides to facilitate any excretion. Simultaneously, keep pouring water so that all the bodily waste is washed away.
* The person performing the bath should wear a rubber glove or polythene bag on his/her hands. Now perform "Istanja" (washing private parts) on the deceased. After this, dispose off the glove and wear a new one.
* In case the deceased is a female, untie the hair.
* The person bathing the deceased should make "Neeyat" (intention) of doing so and recite Bismillah.
* Ablution (Wuzoo) should be performed on the deceased starting from the right.
* Do not put any water inside the nose or mouth. It is enough to wipe the teeth and nostrils with wet cloth or wet cotton swab.
* The ears and nose should be plugged with clean cotton so that during the bath, water does not enter them.
* Using soap lather or shampoo, softly wash hair and beard (in case of a male) with the help of your fingers.
* First, wash the right side of the front of the body. Start from the front by beginning to bathe from the right side of the neck going downwards till the right foot. Then turn the body slightly towards the left side and wash the whole right side of the back of the body. Repeat the same procedure for the left side of the body.
* Give the bath an odd number of times. It is "Masnoon" to add camphor (Kafoor) to the water in the end. If camphor is not available, any non-alcoholic perfume can be added to the water.
* It is not right to bathe the dead body twice at two different times. One bath is enough.
* If the deceased is a female, then after the bath the hair should be done up into three different braids. These braids should be placed behind her. The hair can also be combed.
* If the circumstances are such that it is not possible to give a bath, "Tayammum" can also be performed.
* Those martyred in the way of ALLAH SWT (Shaheed) are not to be given a bath.
Note: If there is no female to bathe the deceased female, her mehrum can give her tayammum.
* It is preferable to use clean white cloth for the shroud
* If new white cloth is not available then a used, washed and coloured or striped shroud can also be used.
* An incomplete or insufficient shroud (without any genuine reason) is disliked. The quantity or measure of the cloth being used as the shroud should be enough to easily cover the entire body of the deceased.
* For a male's shroud, three pieces of cloth are used. Five pieces of cloth are used for a woman's shroud. The fourth piece of cloth for a woman serves as a scarf for her head. The fifth piece stays under the shirt and is used to tie up her entire "Satar" (parts of her body that must be concealed). If all this is not available then one piece of cloth will do.
* During emergencies or in case of a journey, if the dead bodies outnumber the shrouds then more than one body can be buried in the same cloth.
* Before wrapping the deceased in the shroud, the wet body may be dried with a clean cloth.
* Fragrant incense should be burnt thrice besides the dead body. If this is not possible, "Itar" (perfume) etc. can be used.
* A martyr does not need a shroud. He will be buried in the very clothes he was wearing, wrapped in a sheet of cloth.
* A "Muhram" (one who died during Hajj or Umrah) has to be bathed and then wrapped in his "Ehraam" instead of a shroud. He will be buried without applying any perfume or covering his head.
* For the person who bathes and enshrouds the deceased, it is "Mustahib" (desirable) to take a bath after having done so. Similarly it is desirable for the person who helps lift and place the deceased on the cot to perform "Wudoo" (ablution) afterwards.
* Unnecessary delay should be avoided in all the stages from preparing the funeral to taking it for burial.
* Accompanying the funeral and helping to carry it is the rightful responsibility of a Muslim towards his Muslim brother.
* Those accompanying the funeral must remain silent. The Sunnah does not establish talking or reciting duaas, kalima-e-shahadat or the Quran in a loud voice on the way.
* Similarly, wailing or crying aloud while accompanying the funeral is also against the sanctity of the funeral.
* It is "makrooh" (disliked) for women to accompany the funeral.
* Carrying any kind of fire as a ritual with the funeral is prohibited.
* Carrying fruits, sweets or dry fruit etc. with the funeral is not proven by Sunnah.
* Pedestrians can walk in front, behind, on the right or left of the funeral.
* Those using any kind of transport should remain behind the funeral. However using transport without a valid excuse is "makrooh" (disliked).
* On seeing a funeral approaching, one should stand up. If one does not intend on accompanying it, one should keep standing until it passes on a little further.
* Praising the funeral of an obedient Muslim is allowed and beneficial for him.
* On reaching the graveyard, it is forbidden to sit down until the coffin has been placed on the ground.
* Taking the funeral to the graves of dead saints and circling around them is un-Islamic.
* It is forbidden to offer prayers and bury the dead at the following timings:
1. When the sun is rising.
2. When it is exactly mid-day/ noon (until the sun starts to decline).
3. When the sun is setting (until it sets completely).
* Participating in the funeral prayer earns "sawaab" (rewards from Allah Ta'ala).
* It is allowed to offer funeral prayers in an Eid-gaah adjacent to the mosque. In case of rain or any other genuine reason, the funeral prayers can be offered inside the mosque too.
* Funeral prayers can be offered in absentia too.
* For funeral prayers, ablution (wuzoo) and facing the Qiblah are pre-requisites also.
* In this prayer, the number of rows will be in odd numbers. However if there are only a few people, one or two rows are also sufficient.
* If the deceased is a male, the Imam should stand opposite to the head of the deceased. If the deceased is a female, the Imam should stand opposite to the middle part deceased's body.
* If the funeral prayer for a man and woman is held simultaneously, then the man's body should be placed towards the Imam (near him). The woman's body should be placed next to the body of the deceased male (towards the Qiblah).
* There is no "Adhaan" or "Iqamah" for the funeral prayers.
* In this prayer, there is only "Qiyaam" with 4 takbeers. There is no "Rukooh" or "Sajdah".
* It is "Mustahib" (desirable) to offer these prayers "Sirri" (silently in your heart). However the takbeers will be said in a relatively loud voice so that people in the last row can hear them.
* In the funeral prayer, Surah Al-Fatiha is recited after the 1st takbeer, Darud Sharif after the second takbeer, duaa after the third takbeer and salam is said quietly after the 4th takbeer.
* The act of raising both hands (Rafa Yadain) can be done at only the first takbeer or at every takbeer. Both are correct.
* Finishing off the prayer with either two salams or with just one salam are both proven by Sunnah.
* If there are many dead bodies, one collective funeral prayer can be offered for all or separate funeral prayers can be offered for each. Both are correct.
* Muslims have been forbidden to pray for mercy and forgiveness for infidels or polytheists. It is therefore not allowed to offer funeral prayers for them.
learn and do it before its too late
Allah Yar7amach
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